Wood Weaver Designs
Click "Custom Poster Frames" on top menu to go right to the product information.
UPDATE - APRIL 3 2021 - Please read before Pre-ordering
What a launch! Since the first post of a frame made for a friend hit the Phish Ink Facebook group, I've now made and shipped out over 40 frames. I built a new arm of my woodworking business overnight, and had to figure out how to scale up for volume. That meant a lot of new tools, which means a lot of time and money invested. I also had to navigate acrylic sourcing, and had a recent hiccup which is now resolved. All in all, I've been going nonstop for a couple months now, and my family has asked me to consider the current pace.
I'm about to finish the last of commitments that started nearly two months ago, with the first shipment of "Inspired by Alex" frames. In the next week you'll see pictures of the Band's Gambit style which I am sure will get some attention. I anticipate more orders of those. And, as people share their Beacon Blondes online, I get a few new orders with every post.
So I'm finally settling into a more sensible, sustainable pace. Instead of doing batches of 10+ at a time, I am trying to limit to about 6 at a time, probably one batch per week to be reasonable. I keep a spreadsheet of all preorders in the order received. I'll let you know I got a pre-order, and ask any questions I might have. Then I'll email again when I have an accurate estimated ship time. That was the part stressing me out with the initial surge of interest. I think I have worked out the kinks in the processes now, so I won't go so long between taking your money and shipping your product.
So that means it might be a while until you see a frame, depending on what I have available and what position you are in line. But you won't be asked for payment until I'm about reading to ship. The only exception would be something more custom that I haven't established a market for, in which case I will ask for deposits to order materials.
Thanks for your interest and amazing support of this new venture. It is truly awesome to see my work on other people's walls, serving to enhance and present even greater art.