High Quality Show Props
Before establishing Wood Weaver Designs, I was a well-established childrens/family perfomer as Air Weaver - a venture I still keep going. You can see my balloon art work at airweaver.net. I've dabbled with props for performers, mostly balloon artists and magicians, creating usable and good looking designs for your stage/party shows. This page will update when I have more designs available. I will also be doing some balloon-dgo specific wood items for the home, collectors, or just to have fun. Eventually the back stock of Air Sabers will also be available here, a unique Star Wars themed prop that really generated a buzz at the Twist and Shout Convention.
Balloon Bed of Nails
Originally made from painted plywood with vinyl stick options for logos, I've upgraded to gorgeous hardwoods with epoxy inlay. The bed of nails concept on a small scale appropriate for any size show. Demonstrate how much weight a round or long balloon can support. Make it a contest! Use a character made of balloons with whatever narrative you create. I've done a "stuntman" bit with a human figure made of balloons. Multiple balloon sculptures will pop a few bubbles at a time and allow a longer routine than a single balloon.
Example below is made from catalpa lumber, yellow epoxy inlay.
12x12 - Shown with 646

Package Includes
Base with 100+ real nails
Top plate with logo or name embedded in any color
4 corner posts
Solid hardwood construction
Comes apart to fit in INCLUDED carrying case
Price $199 + shipping
Does not include graphic design. Client provides usable graphic files for logos. Logo cut in single color pockets. If you have a fancy multi color logo, consider a printed vinyl to stick on the lid, otherwise I can add any text with limited font options.